Monday, May 31, 2010

1st week of 3rd change

Well ladies and gentlemen there was a volcanic erruption and as you can guess as I am writing this email that I am fine and that things are going pretty good. Other than a lot of volcanic ash a lot my area was basically uneffected by all the things going on, which is interesting because I am hearing rumors that we will be having another volcano blowing up this week and so I will update everyone the same day as always with the news. In other news I have a new companion as my mom said and his name is elder Mendoza. He is from Honduras and super pilas (super hard working and obedient) I am having a lot of fun with him as my companion and loving every minute of it with all the things going on.

I have been studying a lot in the bible and learning many many things about the things to come and the things that are happening in life. I am always increasing a lot in my knowledge and my understanding through the many blessings of the lord and his help in this marvelous work of his. The more that I work the more that I am learning to love the people and enjoy and all the cool things that they have to teach me, and I am also learning how to cook new and exciting things. This means my parents can expect some interesting meals for when I return (wink wink).

Anyhow the time is passing by really fast and I can hardly believe that I am already in my third change here in Guatemala. I hope that everyone else is having a lot of cool experiences also. I love you all. Love always,
Elder Harmon

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